Maximum Security and Compliance (Anti Spam - Anti Phishing - Sandbox - Zero Day Attack Protection)
Exchange Unlimited (OWA - Active Sync - MAPI - IMAP - Mail Approval + Monitoring + Tracking)
CloudSpace (Teamwork, Online Office , Chat & Video Conference).
Retention for the permanently deleted mailbox items up to 60 days
Zero downtime migration
Premium 24/7
Effortlessly migrate your data to a new business mailbox with WorldPosta - the safe and reliable solution that ensures zero downtime and minimal disruption. Experience seamless migration and start benefiting from our cutting-edge features and tools today!
Looking to save time and improve your communication?
Our AI email system can help you achieve both. With personalized response suggestions, you'll be able to craft emails faster and communicate more effectively with your clients and colleagues. Don't waste any more time staring at your inbox. Try our integrated AI email system today and experience the difference for yourself.
Protect your email communications with Posta's advanced email security system. Don't let hackers compromise your sensitive information. Our cutting-edge technology and 24/7 monitoring ensure maximum protection against email threats. Experience the peace of mind that comes with a secure inbox. Contact us now to safeguard your email communications.
A Productive and Collaborative Solution! Store, Share, and Collaborate anytime, anywhere! CloudSpace brings all their teamwork needs together in one place for them to share, edit, and connect their work without having to meet physical needs.